Music Ministries - NP2c
The Holy Spirit in Praise & Worship needs time to work in people.
The Music Team timely builds the atmosphere to bring people to a place of praise & worship.
The Holy Spirit is NOT restricted by time,which is man made,
A Pastor once told me that we are a Holy People, we leak , we need refilling with the Holy Spirit continually. I agree.
Most of this music has to be played at a reasonably good volume as the effects will not show or be able to influence people.
Do they restrict an Orchestra's sound?
SHOUT before the Lord
How do we worship?
How did God intend us to worship
The Ten Commandments were given with precise instructions to Moses regarding the building of the Tabernacle of worship.
A place where God would come and dwell with his people.
(Exodus 25:8, 9)
They spent 12 months in the Sinai Desert building the Tabernacle to the pattern God had set and learning to worship. (You will notice. learnt to worship)
God’s redemption was to be realized through the priestly ministry of --- WORSHIP.
In Christ ALL believers have become a --- ‘ROYAL PRIESTHOOD’ that we may proclaim the praises of Him who called us out of the darkness into his --- MARVELOUS LIGHT
(1 Peter 2:9)
The biblical patterns of worship involve --- ALL aspects of the human personality:
Physical, Emotional and Spiritual.
It is understood by most, that worship is a HEART THING, but that it also should be INTELLIGENT and TIMELY in its approach.
Some may find this uncomfortable as emotions and physical expression are not always felt by some to be freely displayed.
But for those who BREAK THROUGH their inhibited emotion and move into free praise and worship, they experience a natural freedom in God.
The living God has created us with a response mechanism that expresses joy when we are victorious or happy, this is shown in sport matches when the home team wins or when we meet up with a loved one. That inner excitement or the pitter patter heart response.
The expression of worship should NOT BE confused as a REQUIREMENT for salvation, but as a means for TRUTH springing to life within ones self.
When we SURRENDER ourselves to the full expression of worship, the Holy Spirit descends, and a place is given for Him to meet us in an individual special way.
Worship involves physical expressions founded upon biblical guidelines; they are not ritual, or SUPERFICIAL actions, or the serving of emotions for one's own sake.
Among the physical expressions of worship found in Scripture are, kneeling, clapping hands, raising hands, verbalized praise, singing hymns and psalms, weeping, laughing, bearing witness aloud, reading the Word aloud, prostrating before the Lord, speaking in tongues, dancing before the Lord, giving public testimony, standing in silence, and spiritual song.
Paul summons us to worship with what can be considered our only appropriate response to such magnificence: “I beseech you therefore brethren, by the mercies of God.
Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.
Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will. (Romans 12:2)
The Bible calls us to:
Present our rededicated bodies by kneeling, bowing, raising our heads and hands, and dancing before the Lord; present our revived emotions by shouting and clapping to the Lord, praising aloud, rejoicing, and expressing thanksgiving, or by being silent before Him in the beauty of His presence; present our regenerated spirits by worshiping in the Spirit, singing spiritual songs, and giving thanks; and present our renewed minds by obedient, orderly, intelligent, sensitive worship with understanding.
Even spontaneity must have some point of discipline and control (1 Corinthians 14:40).
The Lord is not displeased by our reluctance to the physical expressions of worship, but when we present ourselves wholly open before Him, the compounding of both our life in Him and of His beauty in us takes place. We are made more whole and Holy in the likeness of Jesus.
The weight of His glory begins to seep through us. Our identity becomes more secure and established, and our sense of sufficiency in the life of Jesus Christ increases.
The Lord says in Romans 14:11 that one day, every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess Him.
Therefore, we are summoned to present our bodies, emotions, spirits, and minds to Him in every biblical form of expression as He would graciously teach us. And when we worship as His appointed “priests,” we invite and administrate His glorious life, purpose, and power to be realized not only in our lives, but also in our world.
(Some of this script is taken from Jack Hayford Ministries, but has been modified by the site author Stephan P Dyer Senior Pastor np2c)